Monday, July 11, 2011

My idea to bring to Congress......who's in?

Sometimes "The Fix" is so simple it gets easily ME anyway....... it seems simple enough.....

(of course the other side of the coin is someone , or groups of someones, are getting extremely wealthy keeping "The Fix" from being tell me)

Ponder these thoughts...

We, in this country, are suffering from a severe and utterly shameful lack of available organs for hundreds of thousands of people that are dying needlessly every year, correct?

Well lets FIX the problem...and here is my idea to make that happen!

Every child born in this country gets issued a birth certificate correct? We've all seen it...the team marches in after your glorious event and hands you a bunch of papers that you, as a responsible parent must fill out expediantely to get your child into "the system"...the social security system...the birth certificate...hell, they even give you that Gerber Life Insurance paperwork so for a mere dollar a month your child can be insured from the moment you walk out of that hospital door!

Everything is centrally computerized.....everything....the government can monitor our whereabouts with little effort....and if a draft was to be reinstituted, they would be completely prepared with the names and ages of all who qualify!

So, why not add some paperwork to that folder? The team can carry two or three extra pcs of paper I am quite sure.........Why not have the team bring in organ donor education pamphlets and give every new set of  proud parents a 30 day window of time to read up on and get educated and make the big decision "Is your child going to be an organ donor??"



Because the time to educate the misinformed American is NOT when their loved one is laying on life support and the family is so grief stricken that the last thing they want to discuss is donating their loved ones organs.....if it were ME and I had never even learned about organ donation and my child was brain dead after a massive auto accident I think I would be so unbelievably upset that I could not possibly make a rational fact, knowing me, as I do so well, I am quite sure the team would be sent out of my childs' room with such force they would need a week off to recuperate from the experience of the wrath of Tammy........

So here is my answer!

Force every American to become educated. LEARN the facts and make a decision with every child born. You will always have the right to say no at the end of that 30 days  for whatever reason you deem viable....but I PROMISE you, many, many MANY people would choose YES......the shortage in this country would dissappear and like France NO ONE would be dying waiting for a transplant that didn't come to be....the time to educate is duing the happy time..the time when parents can sit together and discuss the pros and cons. The only thing mandated of them is that they make that decision by the end of 30 days and if they do NOT, the decision is made for gives a window of time for parents to object for whatever reasons they choose after reading the facts.....and I am ALL for people deciding against organ donation if that is indeed an informed , educated decision.....

(I was once told "Tammy if you have never tried Sushi, how can you possibly say you don't like it?? If you TRY the sushi and tell me you don't like the sushi then I will respect your decision and never ask again"......long story short I tried the sushi and it is now my favorite food in the world! Not quite sure how I got to be 44 yrs old never ever having eaten sushi!)

On to the next part of The Fix

Then when the child turns 18 or applies for their drivers licence, it would become their responsibility as an American to make that decision for themselves.

Again, they can decide NO.....but don't you all think this would really spread awareness and educate people on the facts, the needs, the shortage....?? I do.

Remember YOU or YOUR loved one could end up in the situation at any time where THEY are the one that needs a life saving organ......

How many people die that could have gone on to do GREAT things with their lives?

Ok off my soap box......just my idea....seems simple enough to me.....


  1. I'm going to play Devils Advocate for a moment and I know you will understand.

    This is a wonderful idea but the legal eagles will jump in and say "wait, that kid isn't old enough to decide what happens to their body". Then there will be all kinds of groups of "those" people coming out and the idea will get shot down.

    Why not teach the kids in school in Health Class about being an organ donor and how important it is. Because that way, they can form their own opinion and they can make an informed decision when they become of age. We teach our kids foreign language, we mandate phys ed why not organ donor awareness in school?

  2. For the 18 yr olds? YES....a continued effort at understanding and discussing Oran Donation should be in schools everywhere! Prepare the kids so by the time they DO reach the age of 18 they can make an adult , informed decision.....since this country allows them to VOTE at this age and fight in a WAR at this age AND be tried as an adult at this age..... I think with proper education this decision could be added to their list of adult responsibilities....when we were 18 we were aloowd to drink too remember?

  3. I TOTALLY agree Tammy!!!!I agree with the other comment about EDUCATION in School but I think NEW PARENTS have the responsability to make informed decisions BEFORE they are in such an EMOTIONAL state. I firmly believe that Families that Donate their Loved ones Organs are Thankful later....they feel that their loved one lives on in some sense.......I have been told that they experience a sense of PEACE.
    Organ Donation is not against my Religion so I dont have to worry about that....HEAVEN KNOWS WE NEED THE ORGANS!!
    I am a DONOR and the older I get the more I understand how important it is to be a DONOR.
    Thank you so much for SHARING your Life and your knowledge....
